Thank you for your continued interest in the Fayette Living Well Coalition's Physical Health Committee. Below is a quick survey that will help to design the program of activities for the coming year. Your assistance is greatly appreciated.

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* 1. Did you participate in the Wednesday Walks last year?

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* 2. What are your thoughts about the Wednesday Walks last year?

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* 3. If you're interested in other physical activities, what would you like to do? Choose all that apply.

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* 4. Do you have thoughts, opinions, or ideas that you'd like to share with the physical health committee?

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* 5. The Physical Health Committee is planning healthy walks this summer, would you like to participate?

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* 6. The committee is planning a family friendly bike ride on the Great Allegheny Passage from Yough Park in Connellsville to the Adelaide Campground. What would be the best time to hold this event in order for you to consider participating?

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* 7. What is your zipcode?

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* 8. What is your age?

Thank you for taking time to complete this short survey! Your responses will be valuable in making plans for the upcoming year!