Employee Information

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* 1. What is your job role?

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* 3. I am satisfied working for Managed Resources, Inc/CodingAid.

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* 4. I sometimes think about looking for a job at another company.

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* 5. The company motivates me to go beyond what I would do in a similar role elsewhere.

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* 6. The leaders at the company keep people informed about what is happening.

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* 7. Company systems and processes here support us getting our work done effectively.

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* 8. I receive appropriate recognition when I do good work.

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* 9. Day to Day decisions at the company demonstrate that quality and improvement are top priorities.

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* 10. My manager (or someone in management) has shown a genuine interest in my role and growth in the organization.

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* 11. I believe I can grow at this company.

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* 12. Working at my company is important to the way that I think of myself as a person.

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* 13. I feel connected with the company.

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* 14. Rate from 1 to 6 how well we are doing with the following offers. 1 would be poor and 6 would be excellent.

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* 15. How well do we communicate company news and policies effectively and in a timely manner?

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* 16. How else can we improve?