Downtown Rock Springs
Community Input Survey

The team at Rock Springs Main Street/Urban Renewal Agency is always striving to improve how we foster the economic and social vitality of downtown and how we can make Rock Spring an attractive, vibrant destination for residents and visitors.

To assist us in this goal, we are gathering feedback from the community. Our board and staff will incorporate your feedback into the organization’s strategic planning that will occur this fall.

You are important in this process and your feedback is critical for our organization to have a full picture of how we can further support and enrich the downtown community.

An independent third-party partner will review the collected feedback. The comments you provide will not be identified your name.

We appreciate your input!
1.What do you currently see our organization doing well and what would you like us to continue providing?
2.What would you like to see us do differently?
3.What can we do to help and support you as a business owner, property owner, or participant in the downtown community?
4.What barriers prevent you from being involved with or more involved with our organization's events and efforts? How can we help?
5.What are your greatest concerns regarding Rock Springs Main Street/Urban Renewal Agency as an organization?
6.Is there anything you would like to add regarding how we can provide even greater value to those we serve and partner with?