ElevateHer- Advancing Women in the Workplace Through Mentorship & Sponsorship Programs
Thank you for taking the time to complete the ElevateHer Participant Feedback Survey. This program, led by Times Change Women’s Employment Service and funded by Women and Gender Equality Canada (WAGE), is dedicated to advancing women; especially those from marginalized communities; into advanced/leadership roles in Canadian workplaces.
Your input is invaluable in shaping ElevateHer programming. By sharing your first-hand experiences, challenges, and insights, you will help us develop effective mentorship and sponsorship tools to support women’s advancement into leadership positions and career progression.
All information collected in this form will be used for the purposes of this project (in aggregate and anonymously) and treated with confidentiality. Participants can withdraw their information at any time without consequences. Any information directly attributed to a particular participant (i.e. a quote or example) will only be shared outside of this project team with that participant's explicit permission. For questions regarding how your data will be used, please contact: elevateherinfo@timeschange.org.