ElevateHer Contributors Survey – Leaders and Managers

ElevateHer- Advancing Women in the Workplace Through Mentorship & Sponsorship Programs

Thank you for taking the time to complete the ElevateHer Participant Feedback Survey. This program, led by Times Change Women’s Employment Service and funded by Women and Gender Equality Canada (WAGE), is dedicated to advancing women; especially those from marginalized communities; into advanced/leadership roles in Canadian workplaces.

Your input is invaluable in shaping ElevateHer programming. By sharing your first-hand experiences, challenges, and insights, you will help us develop effective mentorship and sponsorship tools to support women’s advancement into leadership positions and career progression.

All information collected in this form will be used for the purposes of this project (in aggregate and anonymously) and treated with confidentiality. Participants can withdraw their information at any time without consequences. Any information directly attributed to a particular participant (i.e. a quote or example) will only be shared outside of this project team with that participant's explicit permission. For questions regarding how your data will be used, please contact: elevateherinfo@timeschange.org.

2.Email address:(Required.)
3.Phone number (for processing the payment of honorariums):
4.Please indicate your age range.(Required.)
5.Which of the following best describes your gender identity?(Required.)
6.Do you identify with any of the following groups? Please select all that apply:
7.What is your job title?(Required.)
8.What below best describes the level of influence/ decision making you hold in your organization?(Required.)
9.What department(s) do you oversee and/or work within? Select all that apply.(Required.)
10.Where in Toronto GTA does your organization operate?(Required.)
11.What is your organization's name?(Required.)
12.What industry/sector do you currently work in?(Required.)
13.What is the size of your organization?(Required.)
14.How many years has your company been operational?(Required.)
15.Does your company have formal (meaning documented and shared with all employees) Equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) policies?(Required.)
16.Does your organization have specific strategies or initiatives to support women's advancement in the workplace?(Required.)
17.If yes, what from the below best describes the kinds of strategies or initiatives you have in place:
18.Does your organization currently offer a mentorship program?(Required.)
19.If yes, is the mentorship program still running?
20.If no, would you be comfortable sharing why from the options below based on your knowledge and understanding? (Select all that apply)
21.Does your organization currently offer a sponsorship program?(Required.)
22.If yes, is the sponsorship program still running?
23.If no, would you be comfortable sharing why from the options below based on your knowledge and understanding? (Select all that apply)
24.In your view, what are the most significant barriers to women’s career advancement that a mentorship or sponsorship program should address? Select all that apply:(Required.)
25.How would you interpret or define women’s advancement in the workplace? (Select all that apply)
26.How would you interpret or define women’s advancement in the workplace specifically for marginalized women (e.g., Indigenous women, women with disabilities, newcomers/immigrants/refugees, women experiencing low income)? (Select all that apply)
27.How is your organization currently addressing or planning to address challenges related to women's advancement?(Required.)
28.When thinking about resources you can leverage as an organization to support you in thinking about women’s career advancement, how aware of these kinds of resources are you?(Required.)
29.Have you participated in a mentorship or sponsorship program before?(Required.)
30.If you answered no, please skip the next five questions. If you’ve participated in any kind of mentorship or sponsorship before, please complete the following. Was it helpful to you?
31.Was it a one-to-one relationship or group mentoring of some kind?
32.Was it structured - with a beginning and end?
33.In a short phrase or one-word, what did you appreciate most about it?
34.In a short phrase or one-word, what would you have changed to make it a better experience for you?
35.From the following options, which would you be most enthusiastic about supporting?
36.What resources do you feel would be helpful in supporting an effective mentorship/sponsorship relationship? Select all that apply.(Required.)
37.What types of organizations do you think would be ideal for implementing the ElevateHer mentorship/sponsorship program to advance women in the workplace? (Select all that apply and rank them in order of priority.)
Priority 1
Priority 2
Priority 3
Priority 4
Priority 5
Organizations with existing equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) policies
Organizations with leadership representation committed to advancing women
Small and medium-sized (1–499 employees)
Large organizations (500+ employees)
Organizations operating in industries underrepresented by women (e.g., STEM, trades ...)
Women-led organizations or those with a strong focus on gender equity and equality
Any organization, regardless of sector, size, or focus, that is committed to advancing women
All organizations, regardless of size, sector, or focus
Organizations with experience in advancing women through mentorship and sponsorship
Organizations without experience in advancing women through mentorship and sponsorship
38.Which women do you think would be ideal participants for a mentorship/sponsorship program developed by ElevateHer? (Select all that apply and rank them in order of priority.)
Priority 1
Priority 2
Priority 3
Priority 4
Priority 5
Women from underrepresented or marginalized groups (e.g., racialized women, Indigenous women, 2SLGBTQIA+, immigrants/newcomers, women with disabilities, women with low income)
Women at the entry or mid-career level seeking professional growth
Women at the senior level seeking further guidance, a stronger voice, and increased confidence
Women with prior experience in mentorship or sponsorship programs
Women with no prior experience in mentorship or sponsorship
Women ready to be matched with a sponsor or mentor to advance their career
Women interested in learning more, receiving feedback, and exploring further opportunities for career advancement
Women facing systemic barriers, such as limited access to professional networks, workplace bias, or challenges with foreign credential recognition or Canadian experience requirements
Women in industries with fewer leadership opportunities
Women seeking guidance on navigating workplace culture and advocating for themselves in professional settings
Any women interested in advancing in the workplace who have the interest and time to participate in mentorship and sponsorship programs
All women, regardless of their level, sector, or the barriers they face
39.What name would you suggest for the mentorship/sponsorship program being developed under the ElevateHer project?
40.What terms do you think we should use to describe the participants in the mentorship/sponsorship program within employer organizations? (Select all that apply)
41.Would you be interested in learning more about resources to promote gender equity and support women's career advancement?(Required.)
42.If you are aware of any research that supports best practices for creating a mentorship/sponsorship program, please share here:
43.Is there any other information you feel is important for us to know as we create this program? If you would prefer to share your feedback directly with a TimesChange team member rather than complete the above, please contact: elevateherinfo@timeschange.org
44.How would you like to receive your honorarium?
45.If you choose a cheque, please provide the following details. Name (as it should appear on the cheque):
46.Full Mailing Address:
47.If you choose a gift card, please provide your email address for delivery:
48.Would you like to join our advisory council for ElevateHer? This would involve sharing ongoing feedback, contributing to the project, and being part of a network supporting women’s career advancement in Toronto GTA. You will be compensated for your time and contributions.(Required.)
49.If yes, how can we connect with you (phone or the email address provided above)?
50.All information collected in the intake form and focus groups will be used for the purposes of this project (in aggregate and anonymously) and treated with confidentiality and privacy. Participants can withdraw the use of their information at any time. I consent to have my information used as part of this project in accordance with the confidentiality and privacy statement.