2019 Accelerist / Selfish Giving Partnership Law Survey
Are you a...
Do you seek legal advice before executing a corporate partnership program?
Yes, we work with outside legal counsel
Yes, we work with our internal legal team
No, we just use a contract template, and hope it’s legally compliant
Our contract is a handshake
Other (please specify)
What is the most challenging part of corporate partnership legal compliance?
Managing our state registrations and filings associated with certain campaigns
Educating our partners about their compliance obligations
Navigating unrelated business income tax (UBIT) considerations
Other (please specify)
If you could ask a lawyer that specializes in cause marketing and corporate partnerships one question, what would it be?
Optional: This is an anonymous survey and survey results will be shared on my blog and newsletter. However, if you have a very specific question - or would like a private response to your question - please leave your name and email.
Current Progress,
0 of 5 answered