GS1 Sunrise 2027 Survey For Independent Grocers

GS1 Sunrise 2027 Survey for Independent Grocers

The Independent Grocers Alliance (IGA) is asking all independent grocers to complete the below three-question survey about their POS scanners.

Your participation will help us ensure independents are represented in the grocery industry as we determine a benchmark of where grocery stores are at currently with their scanners and whether they are capable of reading 2D barcodes.

This move requires an understanding of retailer readiness. The traditional barcode is read by a liner, laser scanner. 2D barcodes require optical, or camera-based, scanners to read and process the data within the code. This is like scanning a QR code with the camera on our phone, only at the POS scanner.

This survey will assist in understanding the current install base landscape and the requirements of our retailer partners to prepare for the transition in 2027.

We thank you for your participation and assistance.


The U.P.C. barcode has offered price lookup functionality for decades. However, the classic barcode is no longer keeping up with today’s growing demands for greater product information transparency, traceability, and authentication.
By 2027, the industry will adopt two-dimensional (2D) barcodes that are able to carry more information. 2D barcodes allow for a single standardized way to meet both supply chain needs and evolving consumer requirements.

IGA is working with GS1, the standards organization behind the U.P.C., to help independent grocers get started with a migration path toward the “next dimension” of barcodes.
1.What is the make of your current scanner? "Make" refers to the refers to the manufacturer of  the scanner, like Zebra, Spectra-Physics, etc. Look on the surface of your scanner for the equipment's brand name.(Required.)
2.What is the model of your current scanners? "Model" refers to the specific type or version of the scanner produced by that manufacturer, like DS400 or Model A. You may need to consult your POS system documentation to find the model number if it is not already known or visible.(Required.)