INTERREG EUROPE Policy Learning Platform
Peer Review - Reducing the number of NEETs, Kiel, Germany
Date: November 2024
Disclaimer on Personal Data Collection:
In order to comply with article 125 of regulation (EU) No 1303/2013 (Common Provisions Regulation), the Interreg Europe Policy Learning Platform is using the present survey to collect information for the purpose of preparing and implementing the expert support service of interregional onsite peer reviews. The data will be stored securely. The results of this survey will be accessed by the Policy Learning Platform team. For any further information or if you wish to exercise your right to access and / or correct your personal data, please contact us at

Question Title

* 1. Email adress

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* 2. Your name

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* 3. Your organisation (Name, Region, Country)

Question Title

* 4. Your position

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* 5. Your Interreg Europe Project Acronym (if any)

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* 6. Your Linkedin profile (if available)

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* 7. Your phone number

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* 8. Your experience with practices fostering young people to enter a vocational education and training program after school

Question Title

* 9. Your experience with practices aiming at reducing dropouts from vocational education and training program

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* 10. Your experience with practices fostering NEETs re-integrating the vocational education and training

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* 11. Your experience with overarching measures involving for instance multiple stakeholders and aiming at increasing the overall interest in vocational education and the efficiency of existing approaches

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* 12. Please rate your knowledge on the following dimensions: (none, low, fair, good or excellent)

  None Low Fair Good Excellent
Policy measures and practices fostering young people to enter a vocational education and training program after school
Policy measures and practices aiming at reducing dropouts from vocational education and training program
Policy measures and practices fostering NEETs re-integrating the vocational education and training
Policy measures and practices and aiming at increasing the overall interest in vocational education