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This survey is for landowners in the parishes of Winterborne Kingston and Anderson.

It is aimed at providing an opportunity for local landowners and residents to put forward sites that they would like to be considered for inclusion in the Neighbourhood Plan. Suggesting a site does not guarantee that it will be included in the Neighbourhood Plan, only that you would like it to be considered.

All sites will be dependent on the landowner indicating their willingness for the site to be considered, and subject to site visits, desk-based environmental checks and community consultation. This is the first step in the process and it is important that we identify all sites that you would like considered, as there will not normally be an opportunity to consider sites that may come to light later in the process.

At the moment we are considering the need for a small amount of housing (primarily for family and low cost affordable homes - possibly for 25 - 30 dwellings which could be spread over several sites), small-scale workshop-type business, flood alleviation schemes, habitat enhancement projects, and potentially a community renewable energy project.

If you have more than one site that you would like to be considered, please submit a separate form for each site.

The survey has been organised by the Neighbourhood Plan Group - local residents who have volunteered their time to help the Parish Council create a Neighbourhood Plan, to help ensure that the Neighbourhood Plan understands and helps meet local needs. If you have any queries please contact the Parish Clerk at - and for more information about the Neighbourhood Plan process please check out the Parish Council website pages

The closing date for this call for sites is Friday 1 November.

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* 1. Your details:

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* 2. Are you the landowner of the site?

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* 3. If you are not the sole owner, please indicate whether all parties with a controlling interest agreed for the site to be put forward?

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* 4. The information you have provided will be held and used by the Parish Council and Neighbourhood Plan Group for the purpose of preparing the Neighbourhood Plan.

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* 5. Does the landowner give their consent for members of the Parish Council, Neighbourhood Plan Group and their advisors to access your site for the purpose of assessing it for the Neighbourhood Plan?

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* 6. Site address (or grid reference / title deed number)
NB you can check the site is in the parishes, and its grid reference / title deed number, at - hovering over the site should produce the X Y coordinates at the bottom left of the map and if it has been mapped on the Land Registry system, by clicking on the parcel the Inspire ID number (that can be used to identify the title deed) should be displayed.

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* 7. If you can, please upload or send us a map outlining the precise boundaries of the site which may be suitable for development . If you own additional land adjoining the site, please show this in a separate colour.
If you are not able to do this will be get in touch with you to verify the site boundaries.

PDF, DOC, DOCX, PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF file types only.
Choose File

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* 8. When would the site be available to develop (please tick all that may apply)

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* 9. What is the site currently (or last) used for?
Please tick as many as apply

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* 10. What uses (or mix of uses) would you wish it to be considered for? Please tick all that might apply.

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* 11. To the best of your knowledge, are there any constraints or covenants that might prevent development on this site?

Thank you for completing this form - please press 'submit response' to send it to us.  If you have another site to add, before pressing submit you may want to open another copy of this survey via this link: (this should open in a new window).  
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