The Louisville Water Foundation is developing a long-term strategic plan.  Your input is important, and we hope you’ll complete this confidential survey.  The Center for Nonprofit Excellence is helping the Foundation with this effort.  The Foundation board and a planning team will only see a summary of the results.  We appreciate your candid responses.

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* 1. My relationship to the Louisville Water Foundation is (check all that apply):

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* 2. Have you made a donation to the Louisville Water Foundation?

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* 3. What do you understand the Louisville Water Foundation's mission to be?

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* 4. To what degree would you say the Louisville Water Foundation is achieving this mission?

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* 5. The Louisville Water Foundation has a recognized positive reputation.

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* 6. When you think about the Louisville Water Foundation, what is the most obvious positive characteristic that comes to your mind about its performance?

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* 7. Given the chance to improve one thing about the Louisville Water Foundation’s performance, what characteristic would you say needs the most improvement?

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* 8. As the Foundation looks to the future, is there a role, function, or activity that you would like to see the Foundation take on or become involved with?

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* 9. Do you have any additional observations, suggestions, or thoughts that the Louisville Water Foundation should consider as it develops this strategic plan?