This survey is for feedback on all aspects of Reach except your subject course.

Page 1 - Activities, Excursions & Student Environment

Question Title

* 1. Please sum-up your Reach Cambridge experience in a few sentences. If you would be happy for us to use your feedback online, please include your name and nationality.

Question Title

* 2. Please indicate the extent to which you agree with the following statements, which are to do with the activities, excursions, and student environment.
1 = strongly disagree
10 = strongly agree

  1 (lowest rating) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (highest rating)
Reach enabled me to meet people from all over the world
I felt safe and well-supported at all times
I enjoyed the activities provided
The activities were open to students of all ages and abilities
I enjoyed the excursions
Reach Cambridge has helped me to feel better prepared for University & my future

Question Title

* 3. Which were the best afternoon and evening activities? Why were they your favourites?

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* 4. What were your least favourite activities and why?

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* 5. Which were the best excursions and why?

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* 6. What was your least favourite excursion and why?

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* 7. Are there any activities or excursions which were not offered which you would have liked to have had?