You have the opportunity to submit a proposal to present a topic as a speaker or an idea for a session or workshop that could include a variety of subject matter experts.

Please note the ITechLaw 2025 European Conference (29 October - 31 October 2025 in London) is set to be an in-person event. All speakers should feel comfortable speaking in person. Please note that ITechLaw enforces the speaker policy in place when considering proposal submissions.

  • A speaker may not speak at two conferences in a row in a particular geography (e.g. no speaking at two European conferences in a row). Exceptions to this rule may be allowed.
  • Planning Committee members may not act as speakers or moderators. Speakers from their firms are permissible.
  • Only one representative per firm is allowed to speak at the conference.
  • ITechLaw does not pay speaking fees to any speaker. Exceptions may apply.
  • Speakers receive a discounted rate to the member registration rate to attend the full conference. An exception is made for academic/government/in-house counsels who may attend complimentarily.

Please note that not all proposals will be accepted. Decisions on all proposals will be made by May 2025. Please only submit a proposal if you are available to attend the conference - please save the dates (29 October - 31 October 2025). When considering a proposal and curating panels, ITechLaw is conscious of diversifying the panels to represent a global perspective, inclusivity of genders, and limiting one speaker per firm/organization.

Question Title

* 1. Your Information

Question Title

* 2. Please indicate if there is someone we should cc in communications with you about the session (i.e. your assistant or secretary):

Question Title

* 3. Are you an ITechLaw member?
(Preference to speak at an ITechLaw conference is given to members. Join ITechLaw today! Joining ITechLaw does not guarantee a speaking role.)

Question Title

* 4. Have you previously presented or moderated at an ITechLaw conference?

Question Title

* 5. Your Biography
This must be limited to 600 characters, maximum, or 100 words. Please copy/paste into this box, and note that formatting will not be retained. You may also provide a link to an online biography. If your linked bio is longer than 100 words, it will be shortened.

Question Title

* 6. Please upload a high-resolution headshot (minimum of 3.5 MB or 300 dpi) in .jpg format.

NOTE: Before uploading, please rename your .jpg file to comply with the following standard format:  First Name_Last Name (e.g.: John_Smith)

PNG, JPG, JPEG file types only.

Question Title

* 7. If selected to present, I affirm that I will provide my PowerPoint presentation and paper and supplemental materials to ITechLaw for inclusion in the mobile app at least 10 days before the conference date (20 October 2025). You will still be allowed to make edits after this date.

Question Title

* 8. Which Substantive Law Committee does your proposal fall under?

Question Title

* 9. Select your Proposal Topic:

Question Title

* 10. Should your abstract be considered as a Session/Panel, as an interactive workshop, or as a Keynote? 
  • Selected speakers will present as part of the session on a specific topic or subject matter.
  • Interactive workshops should be presented as an interactive hands-on learning opportunity.

Question Title

* 11. Session/Workshop Title

Question Title

* 12. Full text of your proposal for committee review.
The proposal summary will be reviewed by the program committee during the review process. This abstract must be limited to 2600 characters maximum (about 400 words). Please copy/paste into this box. NOTE: formatting will not be retained.

Question Title

* 13. Big Picture, what will attendees miss if they do not attend? 

Question Title

* 14. What are the key takeaways and learnings? 

Question Title

* 15. Where can people learn more about this session? (Include any useful resource links, etc.)

Question Title

* 16. If selected to present, I affirm that I will provide content to be shared with the wider ITechLaw community, in a format of my preference and/or collaborative effort with my fellow panelists, before or within 72 hours of the conclusion of the event.

Question Title

* 17. If selected to speak, you are agreeing to provide content to share with the larger ITechLaw community. Please indicate what type of content we might expect to receive from you.

Would you like to recommend other individuals to present? If so, please include their information below.

Recommending speakers will not guarantee their speaking role. The conference chairs will have the final say and invite the speaker to participate. 

Please note when making recommendations ITechLaw's Speaker Guidelines for the conference:
  • A speaker may not speak at two conferences in a row in a particular geography (e.g. no speaking at two World Technology Law conferences in a row). The Secretary and Assistant Secretary may allow an exception to this rule, usually based on a recommendation from the Conference Chairs and Regional Chairs.
  • Only one representative per firm is allowed to speak at the conference.
  • When creating sessions, great attention should be paid to ensuring gender, geographic, and role diversity. Panels comprised of the same gender will not be accepted as part of the program.
  • ITechLaw does not pay speaking fees to any speaker. In specific cases for high-profile session speakers, travel support may be provided. This needs to be approved by the Secretary and Assistant Secretary.
  • Speakers who are selected will be required to provide content and supplemental materials for Continuing Education purposes and to share post-event for the larger ITechLaw community. 

Question Title

* 18. Additional Speaker 1 Information

Question Title

* 19. This speaker should be considered as a:

Question Title

* 20. Additional Speaker 2 Information

Question Title

* 21. This speaker should be considered as a:

By clicking "done" below you are submitting your proposal. Please review all of your submissions prior to clicking submit. 
100% of survey complete.