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Application - System Alignment for Young Families Learning Academy
Application Deadline: February 2, 2022
The American Public Human Services Association (APHSA), with support from the Annie E. Casey Foundation, is launching a learning academy to bring together teams of cross-sectional state or local leadership, parents and other key stakeholders to advance alignment of health and human services systems to better serve and support young families. This work builds off of APHSA's "System Alignment for Young Families Workgroup" which brought together state and local leadership, advocacy organization, researchers and young parents to advise on the experiences of those who administer and those who utilize the health and human services programs, culminating in the release of APHSA’s, "Working Together – A Roadmap to Human Services System Alignment for Young Families "
About the Learning Academy
The System Alignment for Young Families Learning Academy will bring together at least six cross-sectional states or local teams for peer-to-peer learning and technical assistance from March 2022 until September 2022. The Academy will consist of three peer-to-peer learning sessions and nine, shorter, direct project team technical assistance sessions. Peer to peer sessions will give participants a chance to come together to share resources, discuss specific barriers, and learn from the progress made by each team. Bi-monthly individual team meetings will focus on the creation and implementation of a Strategic Alignment Plan (SAP) to identify and actualize system alignment goals within each teams’ individual jurisdiction.
In order to participate in the learning academy, teams must meet the following requirements:
Have the expressed support and commitment to system alignment for young families from all relevant state or local leadership
Ability to meet a time commitment of six months and twelve total sessions, varying in length from 30-90 minutes. To the extent possible, the whole team should be present for each meeting.
Meet requirements for cross-sectional team make-up.
Make up of the team
Each jurisdiction may decide the makeup of their teams within the following guidelines:
Teams must include at least one young parents (generally, a parent under the age of 24 with at least one child under the age of five, preferably with lived expertise accessing or utilizing human services systems).
Two to three members of the team should consist of cross-programmatic leadership from any health or human service agency, (i.e. child care, TANF, SNAP, child welfare, child support, public health, etc.).
Teams can have a maximum of 6 members per team. Team are highly encouraged to include representative team members such as front-line staff that spend at least 50% of their time working directly with program participants; staff that support or lead data collection and analysis or IT infrastructure; or representatives from the provider community. Priority will be given to teams whose members reflects each team's individual goals and interests.