Welcome to this survey to gather feedback on the Pig HealthCheck web system!
We appreciate you taking the time to fill out this questionnaire.
Our research is part of the EU DECIDE project (https://decideproject.eu/) on the development and evaluation of data tools for use in animal farming.
In this survey, we are focusing on how you can utilise the Pig HealthCheck system and how we can improve it to make it more helpful for you.
Your responses will be treated and kept confidentially and anonymously at Animal Health Ireland. The information collected will not identify you and will only be used for scientific and non-commercial research and teaching purposes. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the project researcher (cgomes@animalhealthireland.ie).
We also plan to run a workshop to go into detail in how to improve the tool. If you are interested in possibly participating in a workshop with other pig farmers, please leave us your contact details at the end of the survey.
Please note:
• Participation in this study will take around 10 minutes
• There are no wrong answers as we are interested in your personal opinion
• If you have responded to all questions on one page, click “Continue”
• You cannot return to previous pages
• You may discontinue participation at any time

Question Title

* I hereby agree to participate in this study. I will not be asked for any information that identifies myself personally. However, I might choose to provide personal information if I wish to be contacted in the future. There will be no personal benefit from my participation, other than contributing to scientific research.