The city of Las Vegas is committed to supporting the cultural and creative community throughout the city and within the Las Vegas Arts District. The city has an opportunity to ensure our local artist community is vibrant and thriving, and has been working to identify where we can strengthen our investments to support the Arts District. 

We’re asking for your help. Please take 15 minutes to share your thoughts on where the city can best support the Las Vegas Arts District and the local arts community. The survey will remain open until June 30, and the results will be shared with those who opt in to receive them.

Question Title

* What do you like most about the Las Vegas Arts District?

Question Title

* How concerned are you about the following issues in the Arts District?

  Not at all concerned Somewhat concerned Very concerned
Affordability/getting priced out
Loss of artists and creative spaces
Overall loss of the “Arts” in the arts district
Business operating requirements – code, licensing, etc.
Safety and crime
Concerns with the homeless
Physical environment
Lack of representation in decision-making about what happens in the District
Lack of marketing for the Arts District

Question Title

* What do you think is missing in the Arts District that would improve the experience?

6% of survey complete.