Share Your PfISD Story

Pfocusing on our History

Pflugerville ISD has created a History page on its website and we want to hear from our staff, former students, former board members and community members! Please send in your special memories and experiences of your school days. We are specifically looking for experiences that are historical in nature, having occurred at least 10-15 years ago, for example:

* Homecoming memories and traditions
* Memories of Pflugerville ISD prior to and during the 1980s growth
* Memories of teachers/staff/principals
* Classroom or extra-curricular memories
* How going to school in Pflugerville ISD "back in the day" was different than it is today
* Did you take part in a "first," such as first class attending a new campus, were you a member of a sport, club or organization its first organized year?, etc.

Once submitted, your story will be considered for inclusion on the history web page.
1.First Name(Required.)
2.Maiden Name
3.Last Name(Required.)
4.I'm sharing my memories as a:(Required.)
5.Your Story Title (2-4 words to identify your topic)(Required.)
6.Your Story:(Required.)
Submit a Photo:

We are collecting photos or videos for consideration in ads, printed material, and our website. If you have a photo or video that correlates to your story, please submit it via email and include your name and story title.

Please send any photos or videos to Please confirm in the email that you either are the original owner or that you have copyright permission for PfISD to utilize the photo.
Legal Terms:

I understand that there is no guarantee that my submission will be published; however, I give permission for my story and/or photos to be published, in whole or in part, on the Pflugerville ISD History website or in relevant district-related promotional materials.