Survey of Family Caregivers

The Vermont Department of Disabilities, Aging, and Independent Living (DAIL) wants to learn about the needs of family caregivers of Vermonters 60 and older, and how best to support them.
This survey can be completed by anyone who lives in Vermont and provides care to a family member age 60 or older. All answers are confidential and anonymous.

Please complete by September 27, 2024.

For questions about the survey, contact your Area Agency on Aging.
For questions about how the survey results will be used, contact Jason Pelopida, DAIL State Unit on Aging Director, at
1.What is your relationship to the person age 60 or older for whom you primarily provide care?
2.What is the age of the person you care for?
3.What are the health conditions of your family member that require your care? (Check all that apply)
4.How long have you been a caregiver for your age 60+ family member?
5.In a typical week, approximately how many hours do you spend caregiving?
6.Respite care is an opportunity for you to have a break from providing care while someone else helps the person you care for. That “someone else” can be a family member, friend, volunteer, or a paid worker. Respite can be for a few hours a month to several days or nights each week. Do you get respite services?
7.If you do not use respite care, why? (Check all that apply.)
8.Has caregiving impacted you in the following areas?
Positive Impact
No Impact
Negative Impact
Physical health
Emotional Health
Financial Security
Employment Status
Connections with Family and Friends
Physical Activity/Exercise
Pursuit of Hobbies & Personal Interests
Substance Use
9.Which of the following best describes your experience?
Tried it, was helpful
Tried it, not helpful
Have not tried, expect it would help
Have not tried, expect it would NOT help
Individual Counseling
Caregiver Support Groups
10.Which of the following do you use to find support, resources, and/or information that you need as a family caregiver? (Check all that apply.)
11.What year were you born?
12.What is your zip code?
13.What types of insurance cover the family member for whom you provide care? (Check all that apply)