As part of the Let Us Know program, a data and education focused project, we are interested in understanding better community members’ beliefs about the opioid epidemic. You may have completed a similar survey before. We thank you for your input, it was very useful in our development of materials and information.
We are asking people to complete this shorter version of the survey so that we can use this information to further develop and fine tune materials and information about the opioid epidemic. This survey does not ask you for your name and your answers to the questions will be confidential. All your answers will be grouped with the other responses when reported and no identifying information about you will be shared.
Thank you for taking this survey.
Some questions may contain words that are not common and are listed below for your reference.
Definitions Administer: to provide or apply[1] Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT): Treatment for opioid use disorder combining the use of medications (methadone, buprenorphine, or naltrexone) with counseling and behavioral therapies[2] Naloxone: is a medication approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to prevent overdose by opioids such as heroin, morphine, and oxycodone. It blocks opioid receptor sites in the brain, reversing the toxic effects of the overdose[3] Overdose: Injury to the body that happens when a drug is taken in excessive amounts. An overdose can result in death (fatal) or non-fatal[4] Prescription Opioid: medications that can be used to treat moderate-to-severe pain and are often prescribed following surgery or injury, or for health conditions such as cancer[5] Substance Use Disorder: disorder caused by the repeated use of alcohol and/or drugs which causes damage, such as health problems, disability, and failure to meet major responsibilities at work, school, or home[6]