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* 1. What is your overall impression of the A&WMA Leadership Training Academy?

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* 3. Have you, or anyone from your section or chapter, attended the Leadership Training Academy in the past five years?

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* 4. If you have not attended, what were the reasons that led to your decision? (Check all that apply)

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* 5. Would you be more likely to attend if the Leadership Training Academy was offered on different days? Please rank your day choices.

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* 6. If you have attended in the last 5 years, please rate the value to your section or chapter.

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* 7. If you have attended, please list the best takeaways from the weekend.

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* 8. Whether you have attended recently or not, please rate the value of the topics covered at the Leadership Training Academy to you and your section/chapter.

  Very Valuable Valuable Somewhat valuable Not valuable to me or my section/chapter
Volunteer Recruitment
State of the Association
Leadership Styles
A&WMA Structure and Boards
Roles of Section Officers
Running an Effective Board or Committee Meeting
Event Planning
Membership Retention and Recruitment
Diversity and Inclusion
Strategic Planning for your Section/Chapter
Identifying Best Practices for running a section or chapter

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* 9. Please list any topics that you feel should be added to the Leadership Training Academy agenda.

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* 10. Please indicate any current topics covered that you would recommend be removed from the agenda.

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* 11. Would it help you receive funding approval and/or time off if LTA offered any of the following business training segments to help you in your professional job as well as your volunteer leadership role? (Check all that apply)

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* 12. Please provide any additional input on the content or timing of the A&WMA Leadership Training Academy. If you would like a response, please provide your email.