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Alternative Fuels Infrastructure Corridor Fleet Survey

In support of the West Coast Collaborative Alternative Fuel Infrastructure Corridor Coalition (AFICC) initiative, this survey seeks to collect information from fleets on alternative fuel infrastructure needs for natural gas, propane, hydrogen, and plug-in electric medium- to heavy-duty vehicles in California, Oregon, and Washington. The purpose of this survey is to evaluate the funding resources needed to support alternative fuel infrastructure projects on the west coast. The survey will request information on your fleet's interest in alternative fuel vehicles, alternative fuel infrastructure needs, and funding needs. The survey should take 15 minutes to complete. Please contact Jonathan Norris with questions you may have at If you are interested in learning more about this effort, see our webinars. Thank you for your partnership!

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* 1. Please share contact information for the person at your company we may contact for follow-up.

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* 2. In which of the following states does your fleet operate? (select all that apply)

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* 3. What is your fleet's vocation?

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* 4. How many vehicles/equipment units of each of the following fuel types do you currently have in your fleet? If none, enter "0".

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* 5. What alternative fuel vehicles/equipment do you have interest in adding to your fleet within the next 3-5 years?

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* 6. How many medium- to heavy-duty vehicles/equipment units of each of the following fuel types do you plan to have in your fleet within the next 3-5 years? If none, enter "0".

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* 7. Will you need funding support to purchase alternative fuel vehicles/equipment?

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* 8. Will you need funding support to purchase and install alternative fuel infrastructure?

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* 9. If funding was available to help you purchase an alternative fuel vehicle/equipment, what is the minimum percentage of the total vehicle/equipment purchase price which funding must cover to justify purchase of that vehicle/equipment?

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* 10. If funding was available to help you cover the capital expenses for installing alternative fueling infrastructure, what is the minimum percentage of the total capex costs that funding must cover to justify developing this infrastructure.

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* 11. Within the next 3-5 years, where in California will you require fueling/charging stations for the following fuel types? Please be as precise as possible with the locations you provide. Include the name of the nearest interstate or state highway, mile marker (if possible), nearest city, and any notable landmarks nearby. Your responses will help us to locate fueling stations as strategically as possible to benefit fleets. If nowhere, enter "N/A". You may provide multiple locations.

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* 12. Within the next 3-5 years, where in Oregon will you require fueling/charging stations for the following fuel types? Please be as precise as possible with the locations you provide. Include the name of the nearest interstate or state highway, mile marker (if possible), nearest city, and any notable landmarks nearby. Your responses will help us to locate fueling stations as strategically as possible to benefit fleets. If nowhere, enter "N/A". You may provide multiple locations.

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* 13. Within the next 3-5 years, where in Washington will you require fueling/charging stations for the following fuel types? Please be as precise as possible with the locations you provide. Include the name of the nearest interstate or state highway, mile marker (if possible), nearest city, and any notable landmarks nearby. Your responses will help us to locate fueling stations as strategically as possible to benefit fleets. If nowhere, enter "N/A". You may provide multiple locations.

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* 14. Where are your vehicles/equipment units domiciled? Please be as precise as possible with the location you provide. Include the name of the nearest interstate or state highway, mile marker, and nearest city. Your responses will help us to locate fueling stations as strategically as possible to benefit fleets.

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* 15. What is the daily distance (or hours of operation for off-road equipment) traveled for your vehicles/equipment on average? If this value varies by vehicle type or class, please explain.

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* 16. Which type of alternative fueling station would you use for your fleet? (select all that apply)

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* 17. How much fuel do you expect your medium- to heavy-duty vehicles/equipment will require per year for each of the following fuel types? If unknown or N/A, enter "N/A".

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* 18. What fill-rate (time to fill the tank/charge the battery) do you require for your vehicles/equipment? Please answer in minutes to fill a full tank.

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* 19. What project partners are required for you to have in order to install a fueling station (all fuel types) (e.g. utility, engineering procurement construction, etc.)? If unknown, enter "N/A".

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* 20. Are you currently working on any alternative fuel infrastructure development projects for your fleet?

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* 21. If you are working on alternative fuel infrastructure projects for your fleet, which fuel types are included in those projects? (select all that apply)

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* 22. If you are working on an alternative fuel infrastructure project, please describe the project(s). If there are multiple projects, please number or name them accordingly.

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* 23. If you are working on alternative fuel infrastructure projects, do any of your those projects require funding support?

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* 24. If yes, how would this additional funding be used to support the projects (e.g. to support additional scope to the project, to purchase equipment, etc.)? If you describe multiple projects, please call them out.

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* 25. If you are working on alternative fuel infrastructure projects for your fleet, please rank how advanced or mature your projects currently are on average.

New and undeveloped Nearly complete
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

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* 26. Are you aware of any existing incentive funding programs in your state for alternative vehicles and/or alternative fuel infrastructure?

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* 27. If you are aware of any existing incentive funding programs in your state for alternative vehicles and/or alternative fuel infrastructure, please describe the programs you know of.

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* 28. California is one state that is mandating reductions in emissions from fleets (buses, for example). Please describe how these mandates and any other similar regulations may be impacting your vehicle procurement plans when it comes to alternative fuel vehicles.

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