Calaveras County Public Works has received grant funding from the Clean California Local Grant Opportunity to beautify and reduce pollution in Calaveras County! Your feedback from the April 2023 survey helped us to define community priorities and create a project, that with community involvement, we will all be proud of!
We are now looking for your feedback and creativity on what our Clean California Project slogan will be, and recommendations for County park locations that would benefit from volunteer clean-up days.
Please provide us with your feedback by Tuesday, October 15, 2024 at midnight.
This slogan should embrace our commitment to reduce trash, graffiti and pollution in Calaveras communities and across Calaveras County. The slogan will be used in our social media campaign and on future roadside trash prevention signage.
Thank you for your time in participating in this short survey.

Question Title

* 1. Please rate these slogans from 1 to 5, move your #1 choice to the top and you're least favorite slogan to #5.

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* 2. Please create your own Slogan(s)

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* 3. Of the many County Parks we have in Calaveras County, which one(s) stand out to you as needing a volunteer clean-up day? (select all that apply)

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* 4. Other Parks not included on list above

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* 5. Are you interested in volunteering for the park clean-up days?

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* 6. Do you have any interest in leading a clean-up crew?

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* 7. Any additional comments, concerns or recommendations.

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* 8. Please indicate your connection to Calaveras County (check all that apply)*:

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* 9. Please provide your name, email and/or phone number if you are interested in volunteering for the park clean-up events.

100% of survey complete.