Time to complete: 30 minutes
Louisville Story Program would like your feedback about our culture and belonging! This survey will ask questions about YOUR experience with staff, leadership, programs, and operations. If you are unsure of an answer, please answer with the best of your knowledge and ability. This survey will also ask questions about diversity, equity, and inclusion. We define these terms as:
People at every level of Louisville Story Program's staff and volunteers represent the people we serve. Diversity includes income, language, gender, age, disability, nationality, migrant status, housing status, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, religion, undocumented status, and geography. Do Louisville Story Program's leaders, employees, and volunteers reflect the people we serve across our community?
Louisville Story Program's employees and leaders make sure that the organization's outcomes benefit every person. They make sure that all people are equally represented in programming and decision-making. Does one group of people benefit from Louisville Story Program more than another?
Louisville Story Program's guests, clients, volunteers, and staff give input on the decisions that make the programs and services better. Does everyone feel comfortable, respected, and empowered in our organization? Are viewpoints from different people included in decisions at Louisville Story Program?
Please complete all pages
Participation in this survey is voluntary. There is minimal risk, but if at any point while answering the survey I feel discomfort or emotional distress, I may exit the survey and the data that I have provided will not be utilized. Survey facilitators are not responsible for treatment or remuneration for treatment provided by a counselor or other mental health professional
Voluntary participation with right of refusal:
I have been informed that my participation in this survey is completely voluntary. I am free to withdraw my consent for participation in the survey at any time.