
The Public Sector Exit Survey collects data around why our employees are leaving.  This information is important, as it will provide us with insights into why someone is leaving, what the team culture is like, and whether they felt supported by the Agency.  We would also like to improve our policies and processes to retain our employees.  

Your feedback will also contribute to strategies to improve employee engagement and retention.

The survey begins with collecting some general information, the name of your Agency, your start and end dates, you will not need to provide your personal details.

The next section then asks you to select the main reason you are leaving.  Note you can only choose one option, so based on  your choice you will be taken to another set of questions.

The results of this survey will be collated and analysed quarterly by the Office of the Public Service Commissioner who will share this information with Heads of Agencies.  A summary report will also be shared on the OPSC website.  If you are wanting to clarify any information in relation to the survey please contact OPSC either via email or telephone: 29421.

Thank you for participating in our survey. Your feedback is important to us and we would like to thank you for serving in the Cook Islands Public Sector and would like to wish you all the best with your future endeavours.

Kia Manuia

Question Title

* 2. What date did you start working for this Agency? (if you can't recall the exact date pick one closest to when you started)


Question Title

* 3. What was your last working day with this Agency?
