Membership Application
- Businesses must be located in Bentonville city limits.
- Businesses must allow pets either inside or on the patio.
- This application is open to restaurants, government buildings, hotels, apartment complexes, and pet-related businesses.
Once you have applied, please allow up to one week for review. You will be contacted by City staff on further instructions to pay the $50 membership fee. This fee will serve as a donation to the Bentonville Animal Services Department & Adoption Center.
Benefits of joining the Bentonville Pet-Friendly Business Program:
Benefits of joining the Bentonville Pet-Friendly Business Program:
- Window decal to put on your front door. This will say "Pets Welcome Inside" or "Pets Welcome on the Patio."
- Your business name is listed on our website as part of the program.
- Your business is mentioned in the City newsletter and on City social media pages.
- Your business is posted on signage at events (First Friday, Farmer's Market, Yappy Hour).
- Your business information is provided in the adopter kit anytime an animal is adopted from our facility.
- Your business will receive a packet that contains the window decal for your front door, tips on how to successfully operate a pet-friendly business, signage of acceptable pet behaviors, and pet guidelines to post inside your business.