Bentonville Pet-Friendly Business Program

Membership Application

  • Businesses must be located in Bentonville city limits.
  • Businesses must allow pets either inside or on the patio.
  • This application is open to restaurants, government buildings, hotels, apartment complexes, and pet-related businesses.
Once you have applied, please allow up to one week for review. You will be contacted by City staff on further instructions to pay the $50 membership fee. This fee will serve as a donation to the Bentonville Animal Services Department & Adoption Center. 

Benefits of joining the Bentonville Pet-Friendly Business Program:
  • Window decal to put on your front door. This will say "Pets Welcome Inside" or "Pets Welcome on the Patio."
  • Your business name is listed on our website as part of the program.
  • Your business is mentioned in the City newsletter and on City social media pages.
  • Your business is posted on signage at events (First Friday, Farmer's Market, Yappy Hour).
  • Your business information is provided in the adopter kit anytime an animal is adopted from our facility.
  • Your business will receive a packet that contains the window decal for your front door, tips on how to successfully operate a pet-friendly business, signage of acceptable pet behaviors, and pet guidelines to post inside your business.
1.Business Name(Required.)
2.Business Address(Required.)
3.Business Contact Person's Name(Required.)
4.Contact Person's Email(Required.)
5.What type of business are you?(Required.)
6.Will you allow dogs inside your building?(Required.)
7.Will you allow dogs on your patio?(Required.)
8.If you are not a retail store or restaurant, will your employees be allowed to bring their pets into the workplace or apartment complex?(Required.)
you have pet-friendly amenities, such as a pet play area, waste station, watering station, etc.? (Note: this is NOT a requirement to be a member of our program.)
you sell pet-related items? (Note: this is NOT a requirement to be a member of our program.)