2020 Gawler Business Development Group - Survey

Member surveys are essential to help the Gawler Business Development Group understand the expectations and concerns of its members, associates and advocates.
It would be greatly appreciated if you could complete the survey below.
1.Are you a member of the Gawler Business Development Group? (GBDG)
2.How did you hear about the GBDG?
3.The Gawler Business Development Group provides various marketing and business development opportunities for it's members.

What member benefits do you find most valuable?
Please tick all that apply
4.Have you participated in any of our events in the past year?
If you have attended more than one listed below, please write all of those you attended in the other section
5.Did you use or take advantage of any of GBDG's offerings, during it's Covid-19 response phase?
If you have attended more than one listed below, please write all of those you attended in the other section
6.What types of events or workshops would you like to see us host in the future?
7.How do you prefer to receive news/announcements from our organisation?
8.Do you currently follow our organisation on social media?
Please tick any that apply
9.What suggestions do you have to help us improve?
Current Progress,
0 of 9 answered