Informed Consent

Documentation of Informed Consent for Participation in Research Study

Project Title: LSE Higher Education Blog survey on AI ethics

Principal Investigator: Maha Bali, Professor of Practice, Center for Learning and Teaching, American University in Cairo. Email:

You are being asked to participate in a microsurvey. The purpose of the survey is to understand your practice with respect to ethical issues in AI use in higher education as discussed in Maha Bali's article on LSE Higher Education blog in October 2024. The results will be published, presented, or both. The expected duration of your participation is five minutes.

The procedures of the research will be: You will be asked for your informed consent before responding to the survey. If you click “agree”, you will be taken to the survey questions, and should take five minutes to complete. If you click “disagree”, or say you are younger than 18 years of age, you will exit the survey.
  • There will not be any anticipated risks or discomforts associated with this survey.
  • There could be benefits to you from this survey, as you’ll be contributing to the collective understanding of these issues at this point time. We will publish on LSE HE Blog some of the aggregated practices along with a commentary that might inform your practice as well.
  • The information you provide for purposes of this survey is anonymous (no personally identifiable information nor IP addresses will be collected), unless you choose to enter your name at the end.
Any questions or concerns should be directed to Maha Bali (phone +20226153613)

Participation in this survey is voluntary. Refusal to participate will involve no penalty or loss of benefits to which you are otherwise entitled. You may discontinue participation at any time without penalty or the loss of benefits to which you are otherwise entitled by discontinuing the survey.

Question Title

* 1. Do you agree to participate in this survey?