Please respond to this survey about the Lucy Robbins Welles Library. Have everyone in your family fill out the survey. We have a committee that is seeking to address the challenges of providing library services in our current building. The results of this survey will assist in this process. Enter your email to qualify for our drawing of a new Samsung Galaxy 9.6” Tablet in the last question.

Question Title

* 1. Do you have a Lucy Robbins Welles Library library card?

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* 2. How often do you use the library?

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* 3. What are other area libraries you have visited in the past 6 months? Check all that apply

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* 4. . Do you visit the Lucy Robbins Welles Library website? If you do what comments do you have about your experience? (The question is about the library's website not the online book catalog accessed through the library's website)

Question Title

* 5. In your opinion, how important is the Lucy Robbins Welles Library to:

  Extremely important Very important Somewhat important Not important
You and your family
The Newington community

Question Title

* 6. In your opinion what words best describe the Lucy Robbins Welles Library? (Praise and/or criticism is welcome)

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* 7. What are the main ways you and/or your family use the Lucy Robbins Welles Library?
(Check all that apply)

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* 8. Do you use any of these mobile devices for reading books, magazines, newspapers or listening to books and music?

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* 9. How would you like the library to communicate activities and events with you? (Check all that apply)

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* 10. What can be improved at the Lucy Robbins Welles Library?

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* 11. Your Age?

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* 12. Please enter your email address to qualify for the drawing for the Samsung Galaxy 9.6" tablet and to receive the email newsletter.