We are gauging interest for participation in CLR, CBB and Coffee-related Research Update Webinars that will be held in early 2024.  Please let us know when you would most likely be available to join us, your feedback will allow us to hopefully schedule these events that best fits your busy days, reach more of the industry, and have more engagement for our speakers.

We plan to have 1 to 2-hour long webinars. The webinars will consist of one or two 15-25 minute pre-recorded presentation(s) followed by a live Q&A with the presenter(s).

Question Title

* 1. Please rank the days of the week that you would more likely be available to join the webinars. (Rank most to least available)

Question Title

* 2. Please rank the time of day that would best allow you to join the webinars. (Rank most to least available)

Question Title

* 3. Are there any specific topics you feel are important to you at the moment that we might be able to address during these CLR, CBB and coffee-related webinars?