
As you may know, the Municipality of the County of Cumberland is investigating the need for a new and expanded library branch in Parrsboro. A critical element in this feasibility investigation is to obtain the views of Cumberland County residents on this matter - particularly those living in the Parrsboro area and who use the current facility.

This survey is your chance to provide us with your ideas and opinions on the need for a new and expanded library branch. This survey will take you only about 10 minutes to complete. We would ask that you respond no later than midnight, Tuesday. November 5, 2024. Once you have started the survey, please continue to the end, otherwise your results may need to be reentered.

As a ‘thank you’ for responding to the survey, we have arranged for three $50 cash awards. One winner will be randomly drawn each week from the respondents that have completed the survey that far – so to optimize your chance of winning, we encourage you to complete the survey as soon as possible!

This is an important initiative for Parrsboro and we encourage you to complete the survey – as well as urging family and friends to do so. Thank you very much for your participation.

Should you have any questions about the project generally, or the survey specifically, please contact:

Allie McCormick
Director of Recreation and Community Services


Greg Young
Director, TCI Management Consultants
4% of survey complete.