After extensive conversations with USD 460 and City of Hesston leadership, Hesston Recreation has been tasked with surveying local community members about the future of the Hesston Middle School building. After the middle school is vacated by the school district (which is anticipated to be by the fall of 2025), the future purpose of the middle school is open-ended. With that in mind, there are several things that seem to be certain at this time:
-A portion of the middle school will need to come down due to the cost of repairs, the lack of funding available for such repairs, and a lack of known interested parties in renovating the entire space.

-There is consensus that retaining the gym space, at a minimum, is desirable for the community and would be of great benefit.

-If Hesston Recreation were to assume management of any remaining middle school space, there are no plans by HRCE, USD 460 or City of Hesston to raise mills or propose to raise mills for any necessary renovations. These entities are committed to not raising the mill levy for any potential improvements to HMS in the immediate future.

Additionally, the following pieces of information are also important for consideration:
-That said, through many conversations amongst many different audiences, there seems to be a level of interest in keeping parts of the middle school. The purpose of this survey is to better gauge that interest from the Hesston community.

-Maintenance, ownership, and usage agreements would need to be negotiated and agreed upon by all parties involved before final plans could move forward.

-Anticipated funding for any projects would be funneled from Hesston Recreation reserve funds, private donations, and possible grant support.

-It is still possible that all or the majority of the middle school buildings may come down; this survey does not guarantee retention of the space.

Hesston Recreation invites community members to complete the following survey:

Question Title

* 1. Please mark up to four priorities for use of the middle school space by or in partnership with Hesston Recreation:

Question Title

* 2. Have you read or been a part of any conversations that are happening in regards to repurposing
the school and gymnasium for community use?

Question Title

* 3. How interested are you in the Recreation Department as an entity, managing the school and gymnasium for community use?

Question Title

* 4. How likely are you to use the facilities if they are repurposed for recreational and community

Question Title

* 5. What type of programs would you most like to see offered in this space? (Select all that apply)

Question Title

* 6. What type of recreational amenities would be most important for you in a gymnasium? (Select all that apply)

Question Title

* 7. Would you be interested in renting the facility for personal or group events for a reasonable fee (e.g., birthday parties, family reunions, community meetings)?

Question Title

* 8. How do you think repurposing a portion of the school and gymnasium could benefit the community? (Select all that apply)

Question Title

* 9. Would the addition of a dedicated community recreational space encourage you to participate
more in community activities?

Question Title

* 10. How important is it to have additional space dedicated to activities for seniors in the community that could be separated from other age groups? (For example pickleball courts, indoor walking space, billiards, square dancing)

Question Title

* 11. How important is it to provide youth-focused programs beyond what is currently offered (sports leagues, educational workshops, etc.) in this facility?

Question Title

* 12. Would you support the use of existing local funds (current taxes, grants, etc.) to invest in the renovation and maintenance of the facility? Again with the understanding that this would not raise mills.

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* 13. How much do you think would be a reasonable annual fee for a community membership to access the facility?

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* 14. Do you live in USD 460 school district?

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* 15. Would you be open to volunteering time or resources to support the development of programs or facility maintenance?

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* 16. Would you be interested in making a tax-deductible gift to support such a project?

Question Title

* 17. What challenges or concerns do you foresee with the Recreation Department taking over this space? (Select all that apply)

Question Title

* 18. Would you be interested in attending a public meeting to discuss the future use of the Middle School?

Question Title

* 19. Please add your name for informational purposes only. We will not share or sell your name or email address

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100% of survey complete.