Healthy Living Partnership

What is the HRA? HRA stands for Health Risk Assessment. The HRA survey tool consists of eight simple questions related to individual lifestyle practices that have the highest impact on individual health. Lifestyle questions focus on exercise, nutrition, smoking, alcohol, stress,and well-being.

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* What is your zip code?

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* Please provide us with a four digit code. Such as the last 4 digits of your S.S.#, last 4 of your phone number, any other 4 digit # that you will remember.

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* Current physical activity level.

Select the statement that best describes your current level of physical activity.
Vigorous exercise includes: jogging, running, fast cycling, aerobic classes, swimming laps, singles tennis and racquetball.
Moderate exercise includes: brisk walking, gardening, slow cycling, dancing, doubles tennis or hard work around the house.