Welcome to the survey

Survey Objective:
The Elgin Middlesex Oxford Workforce Planning and Development Board is inviting all local employers operating in the counties of Elgin, Middlesex, and Oxford to complete this survey and contribute to a better understanding of regional workforce issues and challenges.
The Employer One Survey is designed to collect information on a range of issues including employers' hiring intentions, vacancies, recruitment strategies, emerging skills, and workforce challenges.
All information collected will be aggregated and summarized in a report format and shared publicly for regional and local planning purposes.

Filling out the EmployerOne Survey:
Your business may receive the invitation to complete the survey from more than one source, but it should be completed only once. You will decide who is the most appropriate person in your organization to complete it.
After completing the survey, please ensure that you click "Done" to submit your answers. The survey should take between 15 to 30 minutes to complete, depending on your company size and turnover of employees. Due to logic embedded in the survey, certain questions will be automatically skipped based on your previous response, further shortening the completion time.
Participants who are completing the survey from a head office location can provide the aggregate across their branches, while employers operating from a branch or remote locations may provide only information unique to their location or business.

The survey has been designed to protect your identity. All answers given will be treated in strict confidence and they will be used for statistical purposes and published in aggregate form only.
The findings from the survey will be available at www.employerone.ca in the spring of 2025.

Need Help?
If at any point you require assistance, please contact Bashir with the Elgin Middlesex Oxford Workforce Planning and Development Board at 519-672-3499 ext.104 or by email at Bashir@workforcedevelopment.ca.
(If you would prefer to have someone ask you the questions directly, please contact our office (519-672-3499) and a team member will set up an appointment to review the survey with you at a convenient time!)
4% of survey complete.