This survey will help us determine priorities for the 350 movement in 2012. Filling it out should take 3-5 minutes -- many thanks in advance for taking the time to help shape this movement!

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* 1. First, the basics. Your information will be kept private and your answers are completely confidential.

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* 2. Rate your interest in the following campaigns and projects that 350 is considering.

  Great idea -- I love it! I support this idea. I am not sure about this idea. I don't like this idea.
CLIMATE IMPACTS DAY OF ACTION: a global mobilization to connect the dots on extreme weather and climate change, and stand in solidarity with impacted communities.
ENDING FOSSIL FUEL SUBSIDIES: campaign to end fossil fuel subsides and speed the shift to a renewable energy future globally (at Rio and beyond).
CLIMATE CHANGE IN THE MEDIA: get media outlets to start covering the true realities of the climate crisis.
DIRECT ACTION: in the spirit of our work in the USA on Keystone XL, coordinate mass non-violent direct action to take on specific extreme energy projects
THE RIO+20 SUMMIT: mobilization around the UN Rio+20 Summit in June calling on world leaders to end fossil fuel subsidies.
LOCAL GROUPS: support projects/campaigns of local 350 groups and chapters.
CARBON NEUTRAL CITIES: strengthen local efforts to create carbon neutral cities across the globe.
SOLIDARITY CAMPAIGNS: take more collective international action to support local struggles.
DIRTY MONEY: raise awareness and campaign to get money from corporate polluters out of politics.

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* 3. Do you have a climate target in your community that you think needs action and attention? This can be a problem (like a coal plant) or a solution (like a proposed solar installation).

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* 4. How do you feel about the frequency of 350 emails and updates?

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* 5. Are you connected to on social media websites like Facebook and Twitter?

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* 6. We want to make sure we're sending you the content and campaigns that you want to receive -- do you think we should send more or less of the following?

  I think you should send more. I think you're sending the right amount. I think you should send fewer.
Sharable climate videos, infographics.
Offline action opportunities: rallies, protests.
Online actions, like petitions, letters to the editor.
Opportunities to connect locally: movie screenings, lectures.
Resources, guides for organizing, educational materials, etc.