Thank you for completing a Galvanize It! seminar! We would love to receive your feedback in order to continue to improve our courses. Please take a moment to complete the following information.

Question Title

* 1. When did you complete the seminar?


Question Title

* 2. Were the program learning objectives stated clearly and concisely?

Question Title

* 3. Did this program meet your expectations?

Question Title

* 4. Are you confident that you could accomplish this learning objective? - ▹Differentiate hot-dip galvanizing from other zinc coatings

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* 5. Are you confident that you could accomplish this learning objective? - ▹Identify reasons specifiers choose galvanized steel (corrosion protection, durability, availability, versatility, and aesthetics)

Question Title

* 6. Are you confident that you could accomplish this learning objective? - ▹Understand factors that affect hot-dip galvanized steel performance in various environments

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* 7. Are you confident that you could accomplish this learning objective? - ▹Recognize the positive environmental and economic contributions of hot-dip galvanizing to the goals of sustainable development

Question Title

* 8. Did you find the program content current and relevant?

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* 9. Did the presenter(s) help you understand the content?

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* 10. Were the audio and visual materials effective?

Question Title

* 11. Which course (topic) did you complete? (Select all that apply)

Question Title

* 12. What format of seminar did you complete?