Melville Rent Survey 2025/26 |
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Every year we ask you for your views on rents for the coming year (starting 1 April 2025). In the past, our management board have used a variety of methods when deciding on the annual rent increase. During and after covid, this was kept as low as possible to help customers when times were really tough. Previously increases were set around the level of inflation at the time. Many management boards, Melville’s included, now base their rent increases on what is required to ensure the long term viability of the association.
The recent UK Budget increased National Insurance for all employers (including Melville). This will have a significant impact on Melville’s finances and also on our key contractors whose cost increases will be higher than normal next year. These are just a couple of things that the board are considering.
While our management board is responsible for setting rents, they will take your feedback into consideration so it’s really important that you let us know what you think.