Frasers Property Australia is building a brand-new playground on Macquatha St, Port Coogee. And we want to hear from the kids of Port Coogee, as well as their parents and caregivers! We are interested in understanding what the local community would like to see included.  We greatly appreciate you taking the time to share your thoughts during this planning phase of the playground. Consultation closes June 25th 2019, together we’re creating a place you’re proud to call home.

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* 1. Family details, please give us some details about your family which might help us determine the equipment to focus on.

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* 2. What does your little person/people most enjoy at a park?

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* 3. How frequently would your family use the playground?

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* 4. What playground elements would you most like to see included? (Choose all that you see as important)

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* 5. We invite you to share an idea.  Do you have an amazing idea for a playground or perhaps visited a playground that gave you the wow factor? You can also use this space to provide any further comments.

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* 6. Would you like us to keep you informed of the playgrounds' progress and when it is completed?