Township of Greater Madawaska
Asset Management Levels of Service Survey

The Township of Greater Madawaska is currently updating its Asset Management Plan (AMP). Asset Management helps us make decisions about the service delivery of our infrastructure and assets, such as roads and buildings. An important part of updating the AMP is getting the community’s feedback on what levels of service you expect from the infrastructure that we operate, maintain, repair and replace. This information helps us better manage our infrastructure assets to meet your current needs, while planning for the service needs of the future.
Your input is valuable to us.
1.Are you a resident and/or municipal taxpayer in the Township of Greater Madawaska?(Required.)
2.Please select your residence type. If you own multiple properties in the Township please choose the one that is most significant to you and fill out the survey based on that property.(Required.)
3.Where in the Municipality of Greater Madawaska do you live or own property?(Required.)
4.Please indicate your age range:(Required.)
5.How many residents are within your household?(Required.)
6.What services do you use (or which services are you affected by) in the Township of Greater Madawaska? Please select all that apply.(Required.)
7.How Satisfied are you with each of the following services and public assets in the Township of Greater Madawaska? Using a scale of 1 to 6, where 1 you are very dissatisfied and 6 means that you are very satisfied. If you do not use the service, please select "Do not use".(Required.)
1 - Very Dissatisfied
6 - Very Satisfied
Do Not Use
Streets/Township Roads
Winter Control on Township Roads (snow plowing and salt/sanding)
Drainage on Township Roads
Waste Facilities
Parks and Recreation Facilities
Administrative Services
8.Which specific services, if any, would you say are most in need of improvement at this time? Check as many as apply and provide comments on how to improve in the comment box (optional).(Required.)
Needs Improvement
Does Not Need Improvement
Do Not Use
Streets/Township Roads
Winter Control on Township Roads (snow plowing and salt/sanding)
Drainage on Township Roads
Waste Facilities
Parks and Recreation Facilities
Administrative Services
9.It is expected that as the cost of living and inflation increase, so too will the costs for the Township of Greater Madawaska to provide services. Increases in service level may also require an increase in funding. Based on the possible funding and service level outcomes, please indicate your preference for maintaining increasing or decreasing service levels for each of the service areas.(Required.)
Decrease Service (likely pay same $ or less)
Maintain current service (likely to pay a little more $$)
Improve Service (likely to pay more $$$)
I don't use this service
Streets/Township Roads
Winter Control on Township Roads (snow plowing and salt/sanding)
Drainage on Township Roads
Waste Facilities
Parks and Recreation Facilities
Administrative Services
10.One scenario under consideration in our Asset Management Plan is to fund our infrastructure on a lifecycle approach. To meet the funding requirements of our aging infrastructure, it is estimated that an increase in fees will be required. Investing in the infrastructure at the right time improves the condition and extends the useful life of the asset. To meet the funding requirements of our aging infrastructure, it is estimated that an increase in the municipal tax rate of 1.6% is required.

A 1.6% increase in tax rate is equivalent to an increase of $16.32 in 2025 for the average residential household (assessment value of $200,000), or about $1.36 per month.

Which of the following options would you be willing to pay?
11.Consider the following scenario which requires a change in level of service or increases in taxes. Which options reflect (or best reflects) your willingness to pay and accept change?

The road network is deteriorating , and there is insufficient funding to be able to maintain all the paved roads in good condition. Which of the following options would you prefer?
12.There may be circumstances where the Township of Greater Madawaska needs to make decisions on where to allocate funding within limited resources. Which services should be prioritized for funding?

Pick top 3 (Most Important) and bottom 3 (Least Important) as the spending priority.
Top 3 - Most Important
Bottom 3 - Least Important
Streets/Township Roads
Winter Control on Township Roads (snow plowing and salt/sanding)
Drainage on Township Roads
Waste Facilities
Parks and Recreation Facilities
Administrative Services
13.Do you have any additional comments about level of service of infrastructure assets or the Asset Management Plan?
Current Progress,
0 of 13 answered