Audience: Classroom Teachers, Instructional Coaches and Administrators

The Santa Cruz County Math Initiative (SCCMI) led by the Santa Cruz County Office of Education will establish a network of mathematics leadership teams countywide to align professional learning with the goals outlined in the 2023 California Math Framework and the Common Core Standards. In this initiative, we will foster a shared math vision and craft district-specific strategic plans to fully implement the math framework. This will enhance mathematics teaching and learning in Santa Cruz County schools.

Your feedback will serve as foundational reflection on our identity as math instructors and as leaders, how our systems are working to prioritize and support classroom instruction, and our pedagogy as it relates to the new math framework. Here is an excerpt from the framework to clarify its content and purpose.

The 2023 Mathematics Framework includes guidance that will help educators to structure the teaching of the state’s rigorous standards around “Big Ideas” that integrate rather than isolate transitional kindergarten through grade twelve (TK–12) math concepts—a best practice in high-performing countries. This approach encourages teachers to think about how the Big Ideas in mathematics connect both within and across grade levels in developmental progressions. It emphasizes development of the habits of mind and habits of interaction described in the Standards for Mathematical Practice—for example, persevering in problem solving, explaining one’s thinking, constructing arguments—that students need in order to become powerful users of mathematics and better interpret and understand their world.

As you are responding to sections 2 & 3, consider your role. If you are an onsite leader or coach, reflect on the practices of educators on your site. If you are a district leader reflect on what you observe or what you know is common practice at school sites overall.

Question Title

* 1. Math Identity

  Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree
I enjoy math.
I am confident in my understanding of math.
I feel capable of learning new math concepts.
I model a productive disposition towards math for others.
I understand the relationship between my math identity and those of my students.
My classroom environment communicates positive regard for math.
My students enjoy math.
My students are confident and engaged as math learners.
I believe I can make a positive impact on students' math achievement.

Question Title

* 2. District and School Systems

  Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree
My school culture reflects high regard for math.
Time allotted for math instruction is appropriate, in balance with other student learning goals.
Educators have access to the materials and resources we need to teach math.
Educators have access to ample coaching and/or professional development to help us grow as math teachers or leaders.
We have systems in place to gather and anaylze both formative and summative math achievement data.
I plan math instruction in response to student achievement data.
I collaborate with colleagues to plan and reflect on math instruction and achievement.
Learners receive math interventions, paraprofessional support, and other modifications in response to progress monitoring data.
Learners have access to extension opportunities and other challenges to stretch their math learning.
I have the autonomy to adjust math planning and instruction in response to student needs.

Question Title

* 3. Pedagogy

  Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree
I organize math instruction around big ideas.
I offer learners open-ended, engaging math tasks.
I teach math in culturally responsive ways that promote equity and social justice.
In the context of math learning, I invite student questions, conjectures and discussion.
I prioritize reasoning and justification as part of math learning.

Question Title

* 4. What is your role?

Question Title

* 6. What grade span do you teach or work with?