Ferguson Wellman and West Bearing Wealth Management Insights Forum Survey Question Title * 1. What key points did you take away from the Wealth Management Insights Forum? Question Title * 2. Was the Wealth Management Insights Forum a good use of your time? Yes. I learned new concepts that were relevant and helpful. Somewhat. Good review of concepts I know. No. It wasn't what I expected and was not a good use of my time. Question Title * 3. Would you recommend our Wealth Management Insights Forum to a colleague, friend or family member? Yes No Question Title * 4. What describes your sentiment after the Wealth Management Insights Forum? (Please select all that apply) I feel on track with my wealth planning strategy. I have a couple topics I need to address with my investment adviser. There were subjects addressed that I will raise with my accountant and/or attorney. I feel I have considerable work to do with my wealth planning strategy. There are too many unknowns to make decisions in 2021. Question Title * 5. How would you describe your sentiment about the economy and capital markets this year? Optimistic Neutral Pessimistic Other (please specify) Question Title * 6. What other topics would you like to have covered in this presentation or at future events? Question Title * 7. Were there any logistical issues associated with the event you attended that you want to bring to our attention? Question Title * 8. Would you like us to present online in the future? Yes. I prefer online. No. I prefer attending in-person when we are able. I would prefer a blend of both online and in-person events when we are able. Question Title * 9. How do you typically process information that is relevant to your needs and goals? Please select all that apply. Scan through social media platforms for relevant content such as LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook Seek articles and blogs from trusted sources Hear podcasts and/or watch videos or webinars from trusted sources Attend large events Participate in smaller events that allow for discussion Other (please specify) Question Title * 10. What is your gender? Female Male Prefer not to answer Prefer to self-describe Question Title * 11. Which generation describes you? Greatest or Silent Generation: born earlier than 1945 Baby Boomer Generation: born 1946-1964 Generation X: born 1965-1976 Xennials, Generation Y: born 1977-1995 iGen, Gen Z: born 1996 or later Prefer not to answer Question Title * 12. Do you have any other comments, questions, or concerns? If you would like to be contacted, please provide your phone or email. Done