This July our Let’s Talk sermon series will focus on Life and Death.
These two incredibly significant nodal moments are not events we can experience personally in a way that enables us to reflect on our own experience. But with the Bible open, there is much to consider about birth, life, death and the human experience; more even than we can find from observing other people’s births or deaths. In July we are going to unpack as much of it as we can, including a special Wednesday night event where we will have a keynote address and three workshops.
At the evening event on Wednesday 17th July, there will be three Workshops:

A Time to be Born (Understanding Contraception) - Dr Susan Beattie
A Time to Die (Understanding Voluntary Assisted Dying) - Professor Melanie Lovell
A Time to Mourn (Understanding Grief and Loss) - Sally Sims

Question Title

* 1. To help us make arrangements for the evening, (and without locking you in) which of these workshops would you attend?

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* 2. Do you have a key question you would like answered during our series on Life and Death?

Thanks for your help.

We want to be a church that takes on the big issues unashamedly but also carefully and pastorally so you can be sure we are thinking carefully about how to talk through Life & Death.

The purpose of these Let’s Talk events is to bring us together to talk about all the Bible has to say on important topics that shape our lives - not just from a theological perspective but from a compassionate human perspective as well.