Richland Community Needs
GL assessment individual input
The purpose of this survey is to identify needs, issues, and possible projects that community agencies and volunteers could work on to improve the quality of life in the Gull Lake area.
What category best defines your role in the community?
Area business owner
Employed in an area business
Employed in a community service agency
GLCS school employee
Resident who works elsewhere
None of the above
Do you currently have one or more children in an area K-12 school?
Are you an active volunteer in a community service agency?
How long have you lived in the Richland area?
Less than 3 years
4-10 years
11-25 years
26 or more years
Where do you live?
Barry County
Richland Village
Ross Township
Richland Township
Other (please specify)
How satisfied are you with the current state of each element below?
Not at all satisfied
Somewhat satisfied
Very satisfied
Extremely satisfied
Not at all satisfied
Somewhat satisfied
Very satisfied
Extremely satisfied
Public safety/police
Not at all satisfied
Somewhat satisfied
Very satisfied
Extremely satisfied
Recreation facilities
Not at all satisfied
Somewhat satisfied
Very satisfied
Extremely satisfied
Pedestrian safety, sidewalks,
Not at all satisfied
Somewhat satisfied
Very satisfied
Extremely satisfied
Environmental quality
Not at all satisfied
Somewhat satisfied
Very satisfied
Extremely satisfied
Internet connectivity
Not at all satisfied
Somewhat satisfied
Very satisfied
Extremely satisfied
Not at all satisfied
Somewhat satisfied
Very satisfied
Extremely satisfied
Public schools
Not at all satisfied
Somewhat satisfied
Very satisfied
Extremely satisfied
Volunteer opportunities
Not at all satisfied
Somewhat satisfied
Very satisfied
Extremely satisfied
Availability of affordable housing
Not at all satisfied
Somewhat satisfied
Very satisfied
Extremely satisfied
Opportunities for a sense of community and belonging
Not at all satisfied
Somewhat satisfied
Very satisfied
Extremely satisfied
Other (please specify)
To what extent do you make use each of the following ?
Do not use
Use very rarely
Use occasionally
Use often
Richland library
Do not use
Use very rarely
Use occasionally
Use often
Gull Prairie Preserve walking trails
Do not use
Use very rarely
Use occasionally
Use often
Richland Township Park on 32nd street
Do not use
Use very rarely
Use occasionally
Use often
Richland Area Community Center (RACC)
Do not use
Use very rarely
Use occasionally
Use often
Sherman Lake Y
Do not use
Use very rarely
Use occasionally
Use often
Kellogg Bird Sanctuary
Do not use
Use very rarely
Use occasionally
Use often
Ross Township Park on Gull Lake
Do not use
Use very rarely
Use occasionally
Use often
Farmers Market at the RACC
Do not use
Use very rarely
Use occasionally
Use often
Richland Community Hall
Do not use
Use very rarely
Use occasionally
Use often
Gull Meadow Farms
Do not use
Use very rarely
Use occasionally
Use often
Area golf courses
Do not use
Use very rarely
Use occasionally
Use often
Area lakes
Do not use
Use very rarely
Use occasionally
Use often
Other (please specify)
Here is a list of possible improvement efforts and projects that community members have previously identified that could be addressed with a collaborative community effort. Select the
top five
(5 maximum) that you think would be most valuable for the community to work on. If you have a need or project that you want to identify that is not on the list, please add it in the “Comments” section.
Traffic: Install calming devices to reduce and slow traffic
Improve pedestrian crossings in village
Provide and ensure all homes have smoke detectors
Improve access to emergency medical services
Bury electrical lines in village core for beautification purposes
Increase placements of AEDs (portable defibrillators) and expand CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) training
Beautify village core
Expand Richland Township park amenities (splash pad, fitness devices, dog park, etc.)
Create an area public swimming pool
Create an active chamber of commerce and/or downtown development authority
Expand internet connectivity to all residents
Increase and expand community festivals (parade, wassailing, etc.)
Increase affordable housing
Expand lead and PFAS (chemical pollutants) water testing in schools and homes
Provide crossing guards at schools
Improve school drop-off and pickup flow and procedures
Improve sidewalks throughout village
Expand adult education
Expand library space and services
Interconnect walking trails
Improve and expand holiday decorations
expand safe biking trails
Other (please specify)
If you would be willing to participate in any of the projects you selected, please provide your name and contact information.