Details of operation

6% of survey complete.
Welcome to Logistics UK Performance Tracker to monitor key indicators in the logistics industry. The survey is conducted quarterly and results are used to engage with government and provide business benchmarking information to Logistics UK members. The survey takes around 10 mins.
Please enter your email address to receive a detailed industry report of the survey results along with commentary and analysis of relevant national statistics. The information you provide is treated as confidential will not be shared with a third party. 

Question Title

* 1. Email address:

Question Title

* 2. What type of role do you hold?

Question Title

* 3. Which of the following best describes the sector in which your organisation operates?

Question Title

* 5. How many employees in your organisation?

Question Title

* 6. What is your company's latest annual turnover £?

Question Title

* 7. Excluding seasonal variations, what are the expected trends for the NEXT three months (ie Q3 2024) with regard to the following:

  Worse No change Better N/A
Staff availability
Driver availability
Vehicle maintenance staff availability
Ease of business planning
Paying suppliers
Road congestion and delivery times
Fuel prices
Cost of living
Availability of vehicle parts
Supply of goods from China
Supply of goods from EU

Question Title

* 8. Excluding seasonal variations, how did the following supply chain issues in your industry change in the LAST three months (ie Q3 2024)?

  More Less Same N/A
Disruption at UK borders
Delays in receiving goods
Extended delivery times to the EU
Additional paperwork
Increases in transport costs
Suppliers reporting delays in receiving parts

Question Title

* 9. Excluding seasonal variations, to what extent will your organisation implement any of the following changes in the NEXT three months (Q3 2024) compared to the LAST three months (ie Q2 2024)?

  More Less Same Don't know
Cut back on training
Make redundancies
Take work back in-house
Diversify the business
Scale back or suspended operations
Use  third party hauliers
Use short-term vehicle hire
Use short-term contract distribution

Question Title

* 12. Will your company invest in warehouse space expansion this year?

Question Title

* 13. Excluding seasonal variations, to what extent do you expect your business to experience the following in the NEXT three months (Q3 2024) compared to the LAST three months (Q2 2024)?

  A great deal more  Slightly more Same Slightly less A great deal less N/A
Delays in receiving goods from Northern Ireland (NI)
Delays in receiving goods from outside GB (excluding NI)
Delays on the Dover-Calais RO-RO route
Delays in accessing Dover port or Eurotunnel
Delays on Irish Sea RO-RO routes
Delays on Deep Sea container routes (goods from China, Far East etc)
Air freight capacity availability
Rail freight capacity availability
Activity on international routes
Problems collecting containers from ports

Question Title

* 14. How confident do you feel about the outlook for the UK economy in the coming 6 months?

Not at all confident Moderately confident Completely confident
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

Question Title

* 15. How confident do you feel about the business outlook for your company in the coming 6 months?

Not at all confident Moderately confident Completely confident
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

Question Title

* 16. How would you rate the current financial health of your company?

Poor Fair Excellent
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.