Register for the 2024 Innovation Challenge

The Innovation Challenge will be held on Sunday 25 August 2024 and is an opportunity for teams of students to investigate a real-life primary industries problem and present possible solutions. Interested schools can register for the Innovation Challenge by completing this form.

Schools can enter multiple teams made up of 2 to 10 students. Teams select which challenge to work on and spend the run up to the competition researching the issue and considering solutions to the problem. Teams will make a poster to advertise their research topic and solution for display at WARP in August.

On the day, teams have a 10 minute session with a panel of judges, which includes a 5 minute presentation and 5 minute question and answer session. There is no cost to enter the Innovation Challenge, and teams from regional areas are permitted to participate by video link if the cost of travel is prohibitive.

Prizes will be awarded for 1st ($1,500), 2nd ($1,000), and 3rd ($500) place to purchase STEM-related equipment for the school. Winning teams receive a trophy at the event and will be invited to the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development offices in the CBD to present to the Director General.

Previous challenges have included:
  1. How can we reduce the number of harvester fires in WA?
  2. What is the next big plant-based meat product for the Australian market?
  3. What are some innovative tools that will add value to WA farm businesses in the future to increase resilience to a hotter and drier climate with more variability?
  4. What ideas could be tried to prevent or reduce depredation events from occurring without causing harm to the predator?