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* 1. Were you able to visit with the MARTTI and Compliance teams during the Rolling Around event?

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* 2. I have received the needed support, tools, and training required to provide equitable care to Limited English Proficiency (LEP) and Deaf or Hard of Hearing patients.

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* 3. I understand our legal responsibilities as a healthcare organization to support and utilize our language services program.

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* 4. I understand the importance of securing the services of a professional/qualified interpreter and not using non-qualified options (e.g. friends, family, staff, translation apps or sites) to interpret.

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* 5. Please share any feedback or suggestions on the Rolling Around with MARTTI and Compliance event.

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* 6. What suggestions do you have on future learning related to language services including topics, training, or resources?

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* 7. Did you participate in the Continuing Education (CE) event, “Communicating Effectively with Limited English Proficient and Deaf Patients for More Equitable Outcomes?”

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* 8. If you were unable to attend the CE event, please share the reason you were not able to join one of the sessions.

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* 9. If you would like to be entered into a drawing for a prize, please leave your name.