1.Please state your Victor old town address.(Required.)
2.Please state your name
3.If you used irrigation water this summer, was the cost worth the value received?
4.How often do you use your irrigation water?
5.If the city could opt you out of irrigation, would you be interested?
6.As a resident receiving Old Town Irrigation Water, we value your input on how to manage the system moving forward. The purpose of this survey is advisory, and the final decision will be put to a vote of the city council. These are options currently being discussed as possibilities for the irrigation moving forward. Please read each option and indicate your preferences below:
7.Option 1. Minimal Management & No Maintenance: Users pay pass-through Trail Creek Sprinkler and Irrigation share price plus a small administrative fee City turns irrigation on/off and permanently shuts down lines when the damaging leaks are discovered The city will not perform any maintenance or repairs. Proposed Fee Structure = Trail Creek Fee (approx. $18.12/acre) plus a small admin fee (e.g., $5/parcel)
8.Option 2. Water Master Management: Hire a Water Master Water Master oversees maintenance and repairs Aim to keep irrigation flowing as much as possible with improved response times Note: System reliability may decrease each season Proposed Fee Structure = Trail Creek Fee (approx. 18.12/acre) + pro-rata share of water master salary (approx. $45k) + cost of necessary repairs and maintenance + few years of City training. approx total cost ~$65k
9.Combination Approach using Option 1: Proposed Fee Structure = Trail Creek Fee (approx. 18.12/acre) plus a small admin fee (e.g., $5/parcel) + pro-rata share of any costs associated with grant matches or loans associated with overhauling or replacing the system. The irrigation fund pays for a grant writer Pursue low-cost loans and/or grants to offset system overhaul costs Aim to improve reliability and lower annual maintenance/repair costs Note: Irrigation users will be responsible for any debt, including grant matches Estimated grant writer $10k, Grant matches 50% of cost (est $1.5M)
10.Combination Approach using Option 2:Proposed Fee Structure = Trail Creek Fee (approx. 18.12/acre) + pro-rata share of water master salary (approx. 45k) + pro-rata share of any costs associated with grant matches or loans associated with overhauling or replacing the system The irrigation fund pays for a grant writer Pursue low-cost loans and/or grants to offset system overhaul costs Aim to improve reliability and lower annual maintenance/repair costs Note: Irrigation users will be responsible for any debt, including grant matches Estimated grant writer $10k, Grant matches 50% of cost (est $1.5M)
11.Option 4. User Managed System: Form Irrigation District The city plays a limited supporting role, e.g., facilitating the creation of the legal entity, drafting bylaws, and appointing the board prior to the association's first election of officers. Properties benefiting from irrigation will have proportionate voting power. The district controls all components of the system and has direct control over the future of the system, including annual fees, assessments, maintenance, etc.
12.Are you on a fixed income?
13.How much would you be willing to pay on an annual basis to have access to reliable irrigation water?
14.Would you be more likely to pay a higher annual fee if the total assessment was spread out over several months?
15.Where sources do you rely on to receive or learn news about the city? Please check all that apply:
16.Additional Comments:
17.If the city started a committee to discuss this further, would you be interested in joining?
Current Progress,
0 of 17 answered