Your voice matters!

Parent and guardian conversations and perceptions about youth use of alcohol, marijuana and vaping are important. We will use the results of this survey to plan programs in your student's school and in your community to keep students safe and healthy.

This survey is for parents and guardians of children in grades 7 through 12 in the Lowell Public Schools. If you have more than one child in the grades being surveyed, please answer all questions by thinking about the child with the most recent birthday.

If there are two parents or guardians in your household, only one of you needs to complete this survey.
  • This survey is anonymous. The survey does not ask for your name. No one will know if you take part in it. No one will know how you answered these questions.
  • This survey is voluntary. You may skip any question. There are no negative consequences if you decide to skip the survey.
  • Please read each question carefully. There are no right or wrong answers.
  • Some questions ask for your opinion about what "MOST teens" or "MOST other parents" think or do. Choose whatever answer you think is closest to the truth.
  • When you are finished, click the "Done" button at the end of the survey.

Thank you for your time, help and honesty!
14% of survey complete.