Phase One Application

Thank you for taking the time to apply for a future session.  This application is the first phase of the application process.  In this initial phase, we will gather some contact information as well as ask a few questions to get to know you. Once we receive your phase one application, a phase two application will be sent. The third and final phase of the application process will be a Zoom interview with some of the founders. 

We estimate a total of 6-8 weeks to go through the application process.

We take your privacy seriously so when answering questions, know that no one outside the Loops Fore Troops Co-Founders will see your application.  If there is a question you don't feel comfortable answering, it is ok to put that as the answer and we can follow up with you after reviewing. 

Cheers and thanks again for applying.

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* 1. Contact Information

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* 2. What is your date of birth?  

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* 3. What was your branch of service?

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* 4. What was your MOS?

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* 5. What was your rank at discharge?

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* 6. What type of discharge did you receive?

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* 7. What was your entry/exit dates from the military?

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* 8. How many deployments did you have?

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* 9. If you deployed, please enter the dates you deployed as well as where those deployments were located.

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* 10. How long have you been playing golf?

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* 11. What is your handicap?  If you don't have one, put N/A.

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* 12. Have you ever caddied before?  If so, please tell us about it.  We would love to know things like how long you caddied for, the location where you caddied, and how long ago it was (if not currently caddying).  The more details the better.

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* 13. Are you an alumni of any other military non-profits?  If so, are any of those programs golf or caddie related?   Some examples of other programs would be Wounded Warrior Project, Semper Fi Fund, or On Course Foundation.

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* 14. Why do you want to be in this program?

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* 15. If selected to be in one of our sessions, upon completion, will you be looking to be a caddie somewhere?  If so, where are some places you would like to caddy at?

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* 16. How do you feel this program will benefit you?

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* 17. If selected to move on in the application process, we will conduct a Zoom interview to get to know you more and learn about your goals.  Is that something you are able to do?  If not, please let us know why.

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* 18. How did you hear about us?  If you were referred to us, who referred you?

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* 19. DD-214

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