To be considered for this grant opportunity, the Letter of Inquiry must be completed no later than February 17. We strongly recommend that applicants carefully review the Funding Opportunity Announcement for our program areas of focus, criteria, and restrictions before submitting a Letter of Inquiry. If you have any questions, please contact
Applicant Information

Question Title

* 1. Enter the principal investigator's name

Question Title

* 2. Enter the name of the principal investigator's institution

Question Title

* 4. Enter the principal investigator's cell phone number.

Project Information

Question Title

* 5. Project title (limited to 30 words)
Enter a descriptive title for your project.

Question Title

* 6. Which category of grant are you applying for?

Question Title

* 7. Proposed start date
If the grant for the project is approved, when do you anticipate being able to start? (Grants must be started no later than August 1, 2025)


Question Title

* 8. Proposed end date
If the grant for the project is approved, when do you anticipate being able to complete your project? Be sure to include time to complete and submit any grantee reports. Please be realistic, rather than optimistic. (Planning/Exploratory grants must be completed no later than 8/1/2026, and Implementation grants can have up to 8/1/2027 if requested)


Question Title

* 9. Amount Requested
Specify how much you are requesting. Please note: Exploratory Grants are limited to $10,000; Implementation Grants are limited to $25,000.

Question Title

* 10. How do you plan to use the grant funding? (limited to 150 words)
Provide a brief justification for the requested funding and what expenses it will cover.


Question Title

* 11. What challenges faced by community practicing allergists does your project address? (limited to 300 words)

Question Title

* 12. Why are you the right person, team, or organization to address this problem? (limited to 300 words)
Brief description of past experience, key partnerships, and what you've done to address this problem so far. (Do not paste in CV, this should be included as a separate attachment.)

Question Title

* 13. Project Design. (limited to 500 words)
Provide a brief description of the project design and methodology and how it will address the problem. (Please save info on goals, objectives, and outcomes for the next question below.)

Question Title

* 14. Goals, Objectives and Outcomes. (limited to 500 words)
Please briefly describe 1) The overall broad GOALS for your project; 2) The realistic, specific, concrete OBJECTIVES you plan to accomplish to achieve the goals; and 3) Specific, measurable OUTCOMES (effects) you expect to come out of the project.

Question Title

* 15. Please select one of the choices below.

Question Title

* 16. Fellow-in-Training Applicants Only:
Oversight of the project by the Training Program Director is required. By entering the Training Program's information below, you affirm that the Training Program Director is a member of ACAAI, acknowledges they support the project and are willing to serve as the principal investigator of record.

Question Title

* 17. Please select one of the choices below.

Question Title

* 18. Do you have another source of funding for the proposed project?

Question Title

* 19. Please upload your CV or Biosketch

PDF, DOC, DOCX file types only.
Choose File
Attestation Form

If selected to submit a full proposal, you’ll be asked to complete an Attestation Form which contains the statements that are listed below. Agreement to the terms are a requirement in order to receive a grant.

I understand and agree that the project start date is no later than August 1st.

I understand and agree that the project must be completed within 12 months if funded by a planning/exploratory grant and 24 months if funded by an implementation grant.

The funds from this grant will be solely dedicated to this project.

The funds from this grant will not be used for salary support for the primary investigator.

I understand that research projects involving human subjects may require IRB approval; I will seek the appropriate review/approval at my institution or a collaborating institution.

I understand that an abstract for presentation at the ACAAI Annual Scientific Meeting will be submitted by the PI.

I understand that Annals of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology will be given first right of refusal to publish the findings.

I understand that any publication or presentation (including a poster or oral abstract presentation) of the material based on or developed under this project must include an acknowledgement of the Allergists’ Foundation’s grant support.

I understand the PI is required to submit a progress report (every 6 months of the project start date) and a final report (within 3 months of completion).

I understand and agree that failure to complete the reports within the specified timeframe by the PI may result in the grant being suspended at which point you may be asked to return the funding to the Allergists’ Foundation.

I understand and agree that unused funds in excess of $2,5000 will be returned to the Allergists’ Foundation upon the completion of the project.