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Nenana Native Association / Nenana City School District Athabascan Native Connections
The Nenana Native Association (NNA) in partnership with Nenana City School District (NCSD) received a Federal grant to prepare Alaska Native (AN) students for careers in high-demand Career and Technical Education (CTE) fields. The program is designed to enhance educational services, build students’ academic skills, and improve their overall scholastic performance. Services include Native Language instruction, strengthening students’ Alaska Native cultural connections, and promoting their pro-social skills and development.
NNA tribal elders will lead cultural activities, determined during the initial planning year, that engage parents and other stakeholders to ensure the project addresses students’ needs, and allows parents and students to choose educational services and providers. The overall thrust of the program is to embed Alaska Native cultural traditions and histories into school-based programs, develop deeper home-school connections, enhance the relevance of students’ learning, and improve their academic outcomes.
The purpose of this survey is to gather input from students, local families, and community members about services they would like to see offered through NCSD’s instructional and after-school programs during the 2021-2022 academic year. We appreciate your honest and thoughtful answers, as a basis for changing / improving program services and building better school and community partnerships. There are no right or wrong answers. All responses are anonymous and confidential. Thank you!!!