The current LMS platform meets my needs.
The current LMS platform meets my needs. Strongly Disagree
The current LMS platform meets my needs. Disagree
The current LMS platform meets my needs. Agree
The current LMS platform meets my needs. Strongly Agree
The current LMS platform is reliable.
The current LMS platform is reliable. Strongly Disagree
The current LMS platform is reliable. Disagree
The current LMS platform is reliable. Agree
The current LMS platform is reliable. Strongly Agree
It helps me communicate with my Manager/Distributor.
It helps me communicate with my Manager/Distributor. Strongly Disagree
It helps me communicate with my Manager/Distributor. Disagree
It helps me communicate with my Manager/Distributor. Agree
It helps me communicate with my Manager/Distributor. Strongly Agree
The current LMS is user-friendly.
The current LMS is user-friendly. Strongly Disagree
The current LMS is user-friendly. Disagree
The current LMS is user-friendly. Agree
The current LMS is user-friendly. Strongly Agree
Terms and item names on the LMS site are easy to understand.
Terms and item names on the LMS site are easy to understand. Strongly Disagree
Terms and item names on the LMS site are easy to understand. Disagree
Terms and item names on the LMS site are easy to understand. Agree
Terms and item names on the LMS site are easy to understand. Strongly Agree
I had enough training to understand the how the LMS works.
I had enough training to understand the how the LMS works. Strongly Disagree
I had enough training to understand the how the LMS works. Disagree
I had enough training to understand the how the LMS works. Agree
I had enough training to understand the how the LMS works. Strongly Agree
It helps me promote learning content (for manager only)
It helps me promote learning content (for manager only) Strongly Disagree
It helps me promote learning content (for manager only) Disagree
It helps me promote learning content (for manager only) Agree
It helps me promote learning content (for manager only) Strongly Agree