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We are Live Music Now, a charity working across England, Wales and Northern Ireland, delivering social impact through music.

We support the musical lives of people in care homes by connecting musicians with the people who live and work in them. This includes one-off concerts as well as longer residencies, participatory music-making, creative songwriting, and developing the musical skills of care teams. 
You can find out more here.

We train professional musicians to be able to work well in the places they visit and with the people they meet to ensure quality of practice and the best outcomes for all.

The training is underpinned by a competencies framework which covers all aspects of their practice: planning and preparation; session content; engaging participants and care service; developing a reflective approach.

It is very important to us that this framework is relevant, practical, and informed by the people we work with.

We would be very grateful if you would take the time to complete our short survey below. There are no right or wrong answers; any information you provide us with will be of interest and value.

All respondents will be entered into a prize draw for a free live concert with LMN musicians or a pamper kit for you and your team! Be sure to let us have your contact details and permission to contact you so that we can get back to you if you are the winner.

Deadline for completion is 25th March 2022.

If you would like to receive or complete this survey in a different format, email or call 0151 222 0018.

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* 1. Data Protection

The information we gather from you will be used for research and evaluation purposes only, helping us to understand the difference that our work makes. It may feature anonymously in reports, which will be published and distributed, without identifying you.

We will not share your personal or sensitive data with any third parties or publish or make them public in any way without your express additional permission, over and above the permission you are giving here.

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* 2. Contact Info

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* 3. What should musicians find out or ask before visiting a care service for older people to deliver live music?

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* 4. What makes a successful working relationship between musicians and the care professionals, activities providers and older people that they meet in care homes?

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* 5. How might visiting musicians best support you in your role as a care professional or activities provider?

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* 6. What do you think are the personal qualities that visiting musicians would need in order to work effectively in your setting?

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* 7. What are the risks or things that can go wrong in music sessions, and how might visiting musicians avoid them?

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* 8. What is your top tip to musicians going to work in care homes?

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* 9. Would you be interested in paying for and booking one of our musicians to come to your location?

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* 10. What type of care home are you?

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* 11. Which care provider do you work for?

0 of 11 answered